Asibuka! The Secret Spell

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Any of you have a step mom? Was she mean like in the fairy tales who always shouting and yelling and banging and only nice when dad was at home? Kholerina had a friend Phlegma whose step mom was far away on the opposite side from Cinderella’s.


This step mom really loved Phelgma, even often joined in if her friends came to play. She also liked to bake what Kholerina and friends thought as the most delicious bread in the world. But that didn’t make Kholerina also want one. She was happy enough just with dad. The thing was, dad was not. He wanted to marry Fesyie, a single beautiful (according to dad) woman who worked for Social Service. That meant, Kholerina would have a step mom soon.


Khloerina couldn’t bring herself to reject dad’s plan. Yet she wasn’t ready to call a woman who didn’t give birth for her a mom. So, what would it be? What’s to be done then? Fortunately, Kholerina had a secret asibuka spell. When she casted it, “Asibuka…. asibuka…. asibuka…”, she pictured a light glooming from herchest and expanding to cover her entire body. The light gave her power to put aside her fear and doubt.


So, armed with the spell, Kholerina deterimed to refuse the presence of a step mom. Even is it’s a nice one like Phlegma’s. even if it’s not like Melanie’s step mom who always hit, slap, burn her with smoke or matches or anything and always apologize and hug Melanie afterwards.


Do you want an asibuka spell for yourself, Superkids? Just read the Avens Har book, he may just put it there.





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