It’s Time for School, Stinky Face

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We got plenty of experience on the first day at school. Some of our classmates maybe friendly and totally funny. But stay on guard because some others maybe super scornful and mean. Some teacher maybe warm and nice one, but others is hot heat and edgy. Stinky Face, the boy in “It’s Time for School, Stinky Face” had tons of concerns about going to school. He always thought of the negative things, Superkids. It’s just possible that we never even think of his wildest imagination.


He put out what’s in his mind during breakfast with Mom. Stinky Face was curious, what if school turns out different than what people know. First, he was afraid that the bus would be full. “Ough, what will i do if there are too many people on the bus? What if they got flat tires?” Hmm…those thoughts may have crossed our mind when thinking about school bus. But Stinky Face’s mind doesn’t stop there.


“What if the principal turns out to be a witch? I’m talking about real witch. What if she transforms me into stinky breath werewolf with polka dot underwear?” Then, “What if there’s a space ship lands nearby our jungle gym yard where we play during break? And what if all those dust start covering the classroom?” And, “What if the teacher teaches us to make armpit sounds and hokey pokey instead letters and numbers?”.


Miraculously, Mom could answer all those out of ordinary questions. Mom had just about equal explanations. Mom, just like in any other Stinky Face serial, calms the lovely boy down. The school is fun, never a creepy place even when some alien comes to take over the playground.


The book was written by Lisa McCourt, with illustration by Cyd Moore. Their other phenomenal book were “I Love You, Stinky Face”, on with “Merry Christmas, Stinky Face” and “It’s the 100th Day, Stinky Face!”.  “It’s Time for School Stinky Face” is a fun reading for kids who is about to start elementary school, but also enjoyable for those sitting in second to sixth grade.


So, what’s your first day at school experience?





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