Kiko and the Hand

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The book tells about Kiko and her best friend, Hand. Hand always helps when Kiko is in need. When Kiko is hungry, Hand will get and cook meal for her. When Kiko wants to play, Hand will play with her. In short, Hand is always there for Kiko.


Kiko and Hand like to joke around. Hand always pet Kiko, flick his nose, and gently rub his hand. But when Hand tries to get into Kiko’s underwear, she screams very loud “Nooo!!!” Hand raises his thumb. “Good, Kiko. That’s right. Nobody can touch what’s inside your underwear. If anyone tries, tell it to others. Never keep it as a secret,” says Hand. Kiko is so proud and afterward, Kiko and his best friend Hand, go back to their game.



Superkids, this very attractive book is published by Council of Europe, an organization under European Nations to socialize “The Underwear Rule”. The campaign aims to protect kids from sexual harassments.



In this thin yet important book, there are several points you can learn, Superkids. Our body is belong to us. Everyone, including people we love must ask for permit if they are going to touch us. And, we can say “No” if we don’t like.



There are two kinds of touch, the good one and the bad one. The boundaries are our underwear. There are two kinds of secret too, the good secret and bad secret. Secrets that make us hate, angry, afraid and sad is the dark secret. And those secret must never be kept inside, they have to be told to people we trust, for example parents or teachers.


To determine nice people and bad ones. Other than parents, there are people around who we can out our trust on, aren’t there, Superkids?. But, always tell our parents about anyone who likes to give you something, like candies or gifts, anyone who likes to tell you secrets that shouldn’t be shared and anyone who likes to ask you to play where no one is there.


Kiko and the hand (2011)
Format book PDF
Language: English
Number of Pages : 17
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