Tallulah’s Tutu by Marilyn Singer

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Check out your wardrobe, Superkids. Are you a tutu collector? Or you were once and are getting tired of it? Well, you don’t have to be a ballerina to wear one, now. Look around, lots of kids in tutu at mall, instead of ballet class (oh, this is another global Suri Cruise syndrome!). But Tallulah in Marilyn Singer’s “Tallulah Tutu” book is quite different.


Tallulah loved ballet and knew that she would make a great ballerina. She also very obsessed with tutu. Tallulah always pictured how wonderful it was to dance in a dream red violet tutu, so she enrolled a ballet class. Unfortunately, the class instructor had his own rule. Tallulah didn’t automatically got her tutu. She must work hard to earn the worthiness.


What happened? She got sick with all those training. Tallulah decide to quit and stop her dream of becoming a ballerina. However, she never really put ballet out of her mind. She started to see ballet anywhere she went, in everything she saw. It’s everywhere. In fact, in her eyes, the neighbor’s cat can assume the second position of ballet. And the kitchen clock was so perfect doing the ronds je jambe.


One day at a shopping centre, Tallulah start to dance on her will. She moved swiftly following the music from the speakers. She moved so elegant that everyone stopped to see her. When she was over, everyone clapped and cheered for her, including a little girl in tutu. She said that she wanted to be a great ballerina, like Tallulah.


What would happen to Tallulah next? Would she go back to the ballet class and carried on her effort for a tutu? Or would she head to a wardrobe store and look for her dream tutu? Hmm…. it’s a beautiful answer you need to find out yourself in the book, Superkids.





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