Food to Avoid before Big Games


Superkids, we’re facing a big game in sport. However, a minute before performance, suddenly we’re feeling quite buoyant. Why? Our stomach is upset with gas and bloating. OMG, it must be something wrong with the food we just ate.


Food is the decisive factor when it comes to the performance in a sports activity. Here is a list of food not to eat right before performing in sport.

  • Cucumbers; contain cucurbitacin that causes burping.
  • Beans and other fiber rich grains; fiber causes gas and bloating.
  • Milk and milk-based products; contain lactose that hard to digest and can cause gas, bloating, and upset stomach.
  • Sugar alcohols; these artificial sweeteners are off-limits before big game.
  • Sugary foods; can cause your blood sugar levels to drop and lead to fatigue.
  • Caffeine; is diuretic that cause the reduction of bodily fluids.
  • Fatty foods; such as meat products, take a long time to digest and break down in the body.
  • Fizzy drinks; sugary and can lead to gastric problems and indigestion.
  • Spicy foods; make you feel uncomfortable due to indigestion or heartburn.
  • Salty foods; cause dehydration, headaches and cramps.
  • Refined sugar; might offer a quick source of energy, but it will burn up quick, causing you to feel sluggish


So, choose healthy food for good performance in sport. We may take the good food from the list above, but we should eat them three or four hour before performing. If we must take them a moment before performing, make sure that we eat only in small amount.





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