Before Taking Martial Art


Superkids, maybe we saw a new martial arts movie and want to be able to do all that fancy stuff. Maybe we want to defend ourself. Maybe we want to make better ourself, physically, mentally and spiritually. Or, whatever. Then, we decide to take a specific martial art.


However, before we practice, ask ourself;


How is the kind, the klub or the dojo? The place we choose to study a martial art is as important as the style we choose. A good dojo makes us learn more and stick with the style longer. A bad dojo discourage us from studying martial arts altogether. Poor instruction can mislead us into thinking wrong way to handle fighting.


Do we like to learn with weapon? In martial art, there are many kind of weapon (and, no weapon). Consider what kind of weapons. Do we want to learn modern weapons, or ancient weapons? Would we like to focus on swordsmanship or stick fighting?


What about our own physical limitations? If we’re in good athletic condition, we can take any kind of styles. If we have a lingering injury, we need to adjust how the styles will affect our health and body. If we have wrist or finger problems, hapkido’s focus on small joint manipulation would make it a bad choice for us.


Are we ready to pay? Some clubs or dojos require more money, some other are affordable at neighborhood for free. Beside the tuition fee, we have to consider the indirect cost of taking a martial art. Don’t forget, we also must pay time. So, use wisely our time for martial art and other things we must do in your life.


Here you go….!





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