The Dos and the Don’ts at Playground


Running around, cops and criminals, climbing up and down, jumping around in a playground, those are exercise. It’s calorie burning activities that we unconsciously do in fun. The thing is, Superkids, sometimes it’s so fun that we miss out one thing important. The playground activities can also make us injured. Sure Mommy won’t be happy to see us back with bruises, scratched knees, or wounded elbows.


How to avoid them? Is there something we must pay attention to so we can play and exercising safely? We know that there’s no way Mom and nanny can keep watching and tailing us all the way while we are playing. So there are some general rules to remember when having fun.


The Dos

  • When jumping, make sure the landing area is clear and we won’t land on other kid.
  • Park our bike, put our bags and other stuffs away from the playground. Otherwise, someone might get tripped and fall.
  • Apply sunscreen when playing in outdoor playground, even when the sun is friendly. It will prevent us from sunburn. There’s no way we are going to play for like 5 minutes only, right?


The Don’ts

  • Pushing each other or wrestle on jungle gym, monkey bar, slides, swing sets, swings and other playing set.
  • Land on one foot when jumping. Stick with two legs with knees bend a bit.
  • Stand on our feet when playing swings.
  • Slide with head first.
  • Climb up from the outer side of the fence.
  • Wear long necklace and clothes with ropes hanging out. They may tangled and choke us. Ough, scary!


Oh, and one more thing, Superkids. We also must pay attention to the condition of the playing sets. Are there broken parts, cracked or even totally out of order? Are there small objects like crackers, leaves or small rocks? Playground equipments shouldn’t be used when wet. A few drops are enough to trip us down for slippery (any experience with it?).


In summer and with outdoor playground, the playing sets can be very hot. Just touch the metal slidings. If it’s hot, then it’s not safe to play on, yet. Just play with others for while waiting.


Have fun!






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