Lovely Headband

Impress you family—and guests—by making your own accessory, a loveliest headband that is. No sewing, no buying, yes lovely.

Tools & Materials:
•    an old t-shirt
•    hot glue
•    scissors
•    matching button and thread

Let’s make it:
1.    Set your t-shirt.
2.    Cut it into strips, the thicker the bigger it will roll (you’ll see later).
3.    Once you’ve stretched the strips, line up the seams on one side.
4.    Now cut!
5.    The strips will still be joined by the other seam. Follow the this easy little diagram to make loops.
6.    Here’s what the strips look like once knotted.
7.    Make sure it fits your head. Once fitted, you need to  glue a seam for a neater finish. Take a strip of the left over t-shirt and fold and glue the edges
8.    Finish your work with a matching button. Just glue it on if you have trouble sewing it. Ready to use!

Image: pinme

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