Backyard Adventure: Birdwatching

There may be nearly 10.000 species of bird in the world. So, birdwatching in the backyard is a great option for you! As ornithologist  Bas Van Balen said, “Birdwatching is the scientific activities of the most sporty and vice versa is the most scientific of sport activity.”

Basically, birdwatching is the observation of birds in nature. People who observe birds is called a Birdwatcher. Once, only Biologists did it. Now, anyone can do birdwatching. It’s simple but fun. You just need to go into the backyard, have a binocular or monocular telescope as a tool, and a strong desire to observe natural phenomena.

Here’s some advices while doing birdwatching.
– You should not wear clothes with flashy colors, so the birds are not disturbed by your presence.
– Prepare a small notebook to take notes or make sketches of birds that you observe. Then match the observations with Bird Identification Guide Book or browse it on the internet.

Interesting, isn’t it?



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