Lovely Doily Balls In Idul Fitri Day

Material & Tools:
1.     Paper doilies in three different sizes
2.    Food coloring (purple, green, pink, blue. Any color your mother has)
3.    Water
4.    Flat dish, big enough to fit your largest doily.
5.    A pair of rubber gloves
6.    Paper towels
7.    Glue
8.    String or thread
9.    Transparent nylon

Let’s Make it!
1.     Group eight doilies per ball minimum. Dying the doilies: Add a thin layer of water to the bottom of a flat dish. Add several squirts of food coloring to the water and mix.  It will be much darker than the final dyed color.  Drop in a doily (you can do more than one at a time with the smaller ones if you work quickly).  You’ll want to wear a pair of gloves to avoid very scary looking fingers.


2.    Leave it in for only 10 seconds and carefully remove onto paper towels.  Cover with another paper towel and press to remove excess water and lay flat on a clean paper towel to dry.  They dry pretty quickly.  Just make sure they are flat before they dry. Once a set of eight dyed, add more dye to the same dish to intensify the color to dye a different sized set of eight.  And again for another set before changing out fresh water for a new color.


3.    Once dry, fold each doily in half and glue back sides together in a stack with a glue stick.  Glue the front and back flaps together to form a 3D circle.  Fan out each flap evenly and tie on a string or thread to hang using the holes in the doily (or punch your own hole if you need something bigger).  Used transparent nylon  so the balls would appear to be “floating”.


4.    And that’s about it.  Hang them up to enjoy and then collapse them flat to store for future use.  They are easy, inexpensive, and most importantly, make your house look lovelier.



Images: ucreateparty

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