Colorful Hand Printout


It’s a save art project, even for babies (still need adult supervision, of course). It’s easy, exciting dan fun.


What We Need

Watercolor (or special paint for hands)

Large brush






Step #1

Choose some nice place, like table kitchen or table picnic on the lawn. Cover the table with some newspapers to secure it from splashes of the paint, perhaps even spills.


Step #2

Pour the paint into a bowl, add some water. If you want to make multiple colors, each color must be placed separately to each bowl. We can add glitter to get a glittering result.


Step #3

Use brush to paint our hand evenly. It’s more effective to paint our palm than to dip it into the paint.


Step #4

Slowly put the hand on a canvas or paper. Push gently to make sure our hand print is perfectly copied. Hold for a moment and slowly remove our hand from the canvas/paper.


Step #5

Leave it to dry. We can decorate the edges for background the beautify the work. Or, add some drawing and make each finger become the face, wings, hands, feet or anything.


Step #6

Don’t forget to put the date when we make it on the bottom.





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