Dazzling Simple Beads Necklace

Making handicraft out of beads can improve creativity during the holiday, Superkids. You get to pick various beads with in many shapes and color from the nearest handicraft store. Say you want to make a necklace, you can use soft knot matching the size of the hole on the bead. Use elastic rope for bracelet or hair tie.


Time: 10 minutes


You need:

Soft or elastic knot with color

Beads fit your need (we use fiber beads)





How to make:

Cut the knot to fit our need


Spare about 2cm each end for the knots later. For elastic knot, cut a bit more than the length needed.


Design the beads by measuring according to the rope. For starter you can make simple designs first.


To have more attractive result, you can combine several beads with different size, color and shape. Make sure to fit the beads with bigger size at each end to hide the knot.


Tuck the beads into the knot. Start inserting mote, starting from the center one, then on to the left and right. It will create balancing effect when the necklace is done.


Lift the rope, adjust beads to the center, get each beads close together than tie up the ends of the knot.


Tie up three times.


Add some glue to the knot and dry it.


Cut the rest of the knot, leave some to avoid the knot and glue.




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