Geoboard without Nails


Geoboard or nailed board is a common tool for phantom lab school. There are ways to have one on yourself using simple materials. Here are how to make safe geoboard (with no nail), easy and simple!



Six cutouts of square cardboard, 150×150 mm


Scissor or screw driver

Nine wooden stick 10×40 mm

Rubber bands of various color


Step #1

Stack three cardboard, glue them up.


Step #2

Stack another three cardboard. Make nine small holes (use screwdriver or scissor), parallel every 50 mm. Make sure the holes go through all three boards. Glue them up.


Step #3

Stick the three cardboards with holes together (place them on top) with the three without holes.


Step #4

Put in the sticks into the holes. Let dry.


Now, what shape are you going to make?





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