Google Santa Tracker, Share Christmas Gift

Christmas is identical with Santa and gifts. Nearing the special day, google is back by launching a special online interactive game, called Santa Tracker.

Your task here Superkids, is to help the dwarfs preparing Santa’s departure to spread the Christmas gifts around the world. This Santa Tracker displays the Google Maps tech and the state of the art slide, developed by Google to allow the user to keep track of Santa’s trip around the world thus learning things related to his stops during the journey.

When clicking on, Superkids will be taken to Santa’s village far in the North Pole. The game display is also made very lively like the merry of Christmas and it has the Google logo.

Every day up to December 24th, Superkids will be presented various of obstacles to assist Santa, like training the reindeers and wrapping the gifts. In addition, it also has more interactive games like guessing the Santa’s stop pit with candy cane catography, holiday tradition test and reindeers race.

In reindeers race, Superkids task is to control Santa’s slide to pick up the Christmas gifts that are scattered along the snowy way. Superkids will be given 30 minutes to collect every Christmas gifts in every level.

There is also boatload game, where the gamers are to shoot the Christmas gifts to the passing by boats. Shooting the gifts may proven not as easy as you first imagine it is. There are barrier of huge ice block, so the gift you shoot Superkids, may stuck on it.

This year google also provides the Santa Tracker apps for Android, enabling users to keep track of Santa’s trip every day live from cell phone, tablet and TV. Superkids can also send special order from Santa to friends and relatives, straight from the apps. Awesome!





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