Cecillia Hidayat: Illustrator Children Book Who Likes To Play


The woman who is known as Cecil fell for the world of illustration since little from the story book she used to read. Illustration and pictures in them are so dazzling for her eyes, and the stories keep her imagination wandering. The first impression upon meeting this woman is a smiling, cheerful and nice person. And after that, it turns out she is also a person who takes the value in life deeply. It’s all shown in her works that have meaningful humor and poetic.


Here is some part of Superkids Indonesia’s interview with Cecilia Hidayat who is currently live in Ubud, Bali with her husband while working on illustration.


Hallo Cecil…. What’s the story of you making illustration for children books?

Hallo. At first I buy Clara Ng’s book and fall in love with the story and illustration. Then I try to send my portfolio to Mrs Clara, to my surprise I am actually invited to make illustration for her next books.


Did you have any favorite book when you were a kid?

Wow, a lot! Hahaha… I still keep the collection of animal fairy tales by Anne Marie Dalmais. It’s quite odd yet fascinating, to see how the animals are personified in daily life. Even now I still like to re read them.


Any author or illustrator you look up to?

My idol author is Kate di Camillo, an American children book author, and Sapardi Djoko Damono, domestic writer. For illustrator, my idol is May Ann Licudine from Phillipine. The reason is the same. Reading or just watching their work makes some emotion swelling, unexplained by words. Their works are so honest and touching.


Where do you often get inspiration?

Anywhere. Sometimes when walking I come across a cat and it become my inspiration, but most come from when I’m listening music.


That’s amazing… How do you put yourself as an illustrator?

The playful one.


What illustration or book have you made and which one you like the most?

Cover of Collection of Fairy Tales books from Gramedia Pustaka Utama. One of the reasons is because those are my childhood favorite. When doing the project, I worked collaborating with my husband. So it’s like 2 styles of pictures joined together into one and we were excited to see the result.


When you were a child, what was your dream of becoming?

I want to work for Disney.


Awesome! What kind of things make you laugh?

People around me, who make me feel so loved. And 9gag. Hahahaha.


Hahaha…. What’s your motto in life?

Be yourself. Sounds cliché but it takes years for me to really grab the meaning of these two words.


Most memorable gift?

The pre-wed video from husband, a week before our wedding last year. I was under a lot of pressure for taking care of so many things that I forgot what the point of our marriage. It was a simple video, a reminder of how we first met. The first 10 seconds I cried… Hahaha.


Hahaha… Thank you Cecil for your time. Surely there will be many Superkids inspired by you. Where can we see your work?

Anytime. Glad to help. My blog is : http://cecilliahidayat.blogspot.com


Cecil’s Bio

Full Name: Cecillia Hidayat

Place of Birth: Jakarta, April 23rd 1983

Adress: Jln. Kajeng no. 20, Ubud, Bali

Education: S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual

Job: Ilustrator

Work: http://cecilliahidayat.blogspot.com

Hobby: Menggambar, membaca, bengong

Favourite food: Sushi!




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