To Learn Writing is More Than Making up Topic

Writer can express hobbies and hone imagination, sometimes gain royalty and fame when it goes published. And even positive appreciation from the surrounding and people in general.

Sometimes we find a friend shouts in joy, “Huray my script is accepted!” This excitement voice comes from one of you, Superkids. Yes, they are Superkids who like to express their self through writing and send their writing to media. They deserve the excitement, because their effort is paid off.

February 9th is commemorated as the National Media Day. There are some of us who want to be journalist or photographer, right? To be a journalist, we can work on our writing skill starting today, Superkids. There are many big publishers vying with each other to provide medium for little writers.

Writing is a fun with benefit and easy to do, Superkids. We are only armed with simple skill; writing, a skill that almost every superkids is capable of since the primary school. The only difference between a little writer and other Superkids is only the will and persistence to write.

Writing skill can be trained. Talent can’t even take you half way. The rest is still practice. To have a talent for writing, but do not practice writing, just like a dull blade, we can’t use it for slashing. On the contrary, blunt iron sharpened constantly will turn sharp eventually. And, in many cases we do not realize that we have the talent to write before writing something from our mind.

To writing is also learning. We who love to write, usually more thoroughly and understand what we read, not just read and forget. In addition, we usually have a more intelligent, critical and can pour ideas easily.

Intelligence doesn’t mean we must score first rank at school, because it turns out there are many smart and genius Superkids who don’t match the learning system applied at school, leading to some issues. Intelligence is someone’s ability to solve life problems well, done in a fashionable ways too.

Superkids who are used to write stories, are unconsciously trained to find the best solutions for the problems in their stories. Because the essences of writing a story that are the problems trigger, conflicts among characters, and completion.

For start, we can write just about anything; everyday experience, what we feel inside, our joy, our fears and even our dreams, and whatever we want to write. Start the writing activities for our own pleasure Superkids, and feel the benefits.

Let’s start learn to write now!




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