Sekolah Harapan Bangsa Consistent in Offering Mandarin

Sekolah Harapan Bangsa (SHB),”Preparing Students for Life” is among educational institutions with vision, knowlwdge, faith, character as the final destination of education. This mission gives experience and quality learning environment to develop Superkids talents and interests from very young to adult.

This is a plural school that up until today, teaching religion based on students’ believes; Islam, Buddha, Christian, and Catholic. The goal is to create nation leaders who respect the differences of religions, based on Pancasila and the diversity.

SHB is established in 1995 and keeps committing to educate students with main focus on the knowledge, faith and character which are the foundation of education. With the rapid expansion and the number of students that reaches almost 1.800, SHB now consists of four buildings;

– SHB Pre school, Primary and Cambridge in Modernland – Tangerang

– SHB Pre school and  Primary in Modernhill – South Tangerang

– SHB Junior & Senior High School in Modernland – Tangerang

– SHB Junior, Senior High School and Cambridge in Modernhill – South Tangerang

SHB also focuses on Chinese and English that are taught every day. Learning Mandarin here is supported by native teachers (native speaker) from China, Taiwan, and experienced local teachers. Thus to this day SHB is still the most committed and consistent school at teaching Mandarin in Indonesia.

To ensure that new students can keep up well with the course of Chinese and English, the classes are divided by level according to students’ ability. In addition, the course is supported by several other facilities. Take for example a football field, tennis courts, basketball court, gymnasium, laboratories, multimedia room, library, religion, CCTV 24 hours, clinics, and other facilities that support students teaching and learning activities.

The students of SHB have been recognized at the national scale and receives international awards, for their academic achievement and attainment. The alumni also boast, for the positive contribution they have made throughout the world.

“I send my child to SHB because every day they get English and Mandarin lessons. Besides the learning process  does not only concentrate in academic, but also the shaping of character,” Septiana Yogyanti, Supermom of Syafira Ananda Setyanto, Grade 9A and Shanaia Princess, Setyanto, grade 3, gives comment










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