These Meal are Not for Athlete


How does a Michael Jordan can jump that high to do slam dunk? How does Richard Sam Bera swim in 4×100 free style in in only 50.80 seconds? No matter how hard they train the body, it won’t come to the best if lacking in energy. Michael, Richard and other athletes need to keep their body fit, fresh and strong as the first resort to achieve the best.


So how do we stay in shape? It takes proper nutrition, Superkids. Food with nutrient supports the growth of muscle, increasing energy and speed up the recovery of damaged cells. You want to know just what are on the black list of athletes’ diet?


1. Minuman bersoda. Boro-boro bikin tubuh segar, soda dan pemanis buatan di dalamnya justru bikin badan gemuk. Bagi atlet, nggak ada untungnya minum yang ini karena nggak ada asupan gizinya. Pemanis buatan memang jago menipu tubuh, Superkids. Kita bakal mengira rasa manisnya berasal dari gula asli. Padahal, karena mereka ratusan kali lebih manis, pemanis buatan memicu tubuh memproduksi insulin (hormon penyimpan lemak). Jadi, kalau haus sehabis latihan, mending minum air mineral aja deh.


1. Soda. Spare the freshness, soda and the sweetness in it will make body fat instead. For athletes, this drink does nothing for their body. Sweetness is all about playing with the taste, Superkids. It makes us think that the sweet comes from the real sugar. The fact is, since they are hundreds times sweeter, the fabricated sweetness trigger our body to produce insulin (fat storing hormone). So, whenever you are thirst after workout, mineral water will do best.


2. Canned soup. If soda has sweetener, canned soup has preserving material, an enemy of every athletes. Most canned soup are rich with sodium, that’s true. Yes our body needs sodium, but too much of it will trigger hypertension. Solution? Fresh and low sodium homemade soup will is the choice.


3. Rice cake. The reputation as healthy meal has spread for so long. Too bad, it’s not for athlete. The snack is considered healthy because it’s low on calorie, something an athlete does to increase energy. In addition, it has very high sugar.


4. White bread. This menu is actually fine, but less ideal for athlete. White bread can fill the stomach, despite the low nutrient. It contains high glicemic that shoot up the sugar in blood. A recent research reveals that plain white bread increase the risk of obesity rather than grain bread.


5. Popcorn. Either handmade or purchased, athletes are working on removing popcorn out of their menu. Sure it’s a tasty snack. Yet athletes still avoid popcorn for the bad fat, high sodium and contamination of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) from teflon pan.




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