Healthy Homemade Popcorn


It appears that manual way can still give us a bowl of warm and crispy popcorn. Of course it’s not like pressing the button and it’s done. But the method is even more fun, consume less power, easy and we can compare the popcorn with those we always buy or make with Mom’s microwave. Pssttt….we can also serve it for friends when they come to play!



Corn kernels

Butter or oil


How to Make

  1. Have a saucepan with transparent glass lid (so we can have a peak when it’s done). Heat up with small flame.
  2. Melt the butter or drop some oil. Put the corn kernels in, just enough to cover the pan base.
  3. Close the lid, keep the flame small.
  4. When the corn start popping, jumping around and making sounds, don’t open the lid. Lift the pan and shake it gently, to make sure it’s done well. Put back on the stove.
  5. Wait until the noise is slowly go away. When there’s only one or two pops left, turn off the stove and take the pan.
  6. Fancy of sweet? Add some sugar and shake the pan gently to spread. Same way to add other flavor such as salt of cheese.
  7. Done, ready to serve.



If many of the corn don’t pop, it may because the butter/oil is not enough, too much corn or the flame is toll small.






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