Potato Nachos at Lokananta Terrace Resto


Nachos is a Mexican snack made basically of corn. The snack can be said a fast service one. Nachos was invented in 1943 by Ignacio Nacho Anaya, consisted of fried tortilla crackers, watered with cheese cream and jalapeno chili. The snack is innovated to taste. Like the Potato Nachos that is offered in Lokananta Terrace Resto. 


The family type restaurant is quite popular among culinary lover. The menu is unique and creative. It offers Potato Nachos, inspired from Mexican corn nachos. Watered with fresh salsa and combo of tomato, paprika, jalapeno (Mexican chili), creamed cheese and potato chips for the nachos. Feel free to compare it with the original version.

If you can’t take hot food yet, Superkids, you can make orders. Super crispy, mixed with cheesy flavor and the sour from its nacho sauce. Thumbs up material! It truly deserves to be appetizer.


If you and Superfamily would like to know more about Lokananta Terrace Resto, you can visit the website at www.lokanantaresto.com, or just come to Jalan Panglima Polim 2 No. 2, Jakarta Selatan and at  No 32 Gandaria City Upper Ground Level. You can also follow its twitter at @lokanantaresto for updated menu it offers.

“Kami punya semua jaringan sosmed, mulai dari fanpage FB, twitter hingga instagram. Di sini kami selalu update menu yang tengah menjadi favorit konsumen, atau menu yang sedang kita promosikan. Lokananta direferensikan untuk keluarga,” tambah Shindi, pada Superkids Indonesia.

“We have all the social media network active, fanpage FB, twitter and also instagram. We constantly update the current favorite menu or the one we are promoting. Lokananta is referenced for family,” Marketing Lokananta, Shindi P. Hadiriani, added on to Superkids Indonesia. 

Hmm…it’s worth trying, Superkids and Superfamily!





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