Fun Camp in Grafika Cikole

Semester break is around the corner now, have you planned where to go,
Superkids? Camping in Grafika Cikole can be an alternative site!

Holiday is a worth waiting moment, isn’t it Superkids? Having a camp out with Superfamily can be a choice to spend it. It’s a load of fun. Not only as a vacation site, camp out also tighten the bond within family. Superkids, you can also learn about life in the wild, taking care of yourself in very limited condition, teaching you about independency.

One place of choices for Superdamily is Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung. It is sited just on the outskirt of Mount Tangkuban Perahu with altitude 1400 meters above the sea level. The average temperature is around 20 degree celsius and the landscape is mountain like, surrounded by 9 acres of pines wood.

Despite located within the pines wood, Superkids and Superfamily don’t have to worry about food. This site has accommodation, inn and restaurant that serves Sundanese food, sea food and Chinese food.  In addition, there are several types of inn. Grafika Hotel, Picnic Cabin on the pines hill. Stage house with two floors and Batavia and Sunda architecture style on the mountain.

The most fun of all is camping facility that can house 1000 people. Superkids can join children outbound, house tree, horse riding and strawberry pick up. Unfortunately the swimming pool is yet to available.

For teenagers and adult, the site has paintball game and grown up outbound like cliff climbing, flying fox and two ropes overpass high up. For camp out, despite being in tent, Superkids will have one power spot for laptop charger or cell phone. This place can be an inspiration to spend superfamily’s vacation. It’s not very easy to find a place with nature atmosphere with urban facility.

Direction to Grafuka Cikole

If Superfamily comes from direction of Bandung,  just before the trisection of Tangkuban Perahu, you will pass by pine wood. Grafika Cikole is located on the left side, just by the edge of the pine wood.


Address: Jalan Tangkuban Perahu KM 8 Cikole, Lembang, West Bandung, West Java
Phone: 022-2786906, 081322500284
Fax: 022-82780505

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