Taman Pintar Makes You Smart

Taman Pintar is among the most visited education tourism sites in Yogyakarta.

Something is amiss if we skip Taman Pintar when visiting Yogyakarta with Superfamily. The building features modern and traditional atmosphere with distinctive beauty. This park offers a rather complete set of learning and vacation medium for us Superkids of preschool to
mid school. Within this range of age, we are the potential next generation to learn science and technology (Intelligence and Technology-IT).

Taman Pintar was built over the idea of the Mayor of Yogyakarta, Herry Zudianto SE, Akt, MM on a 12.000 m2 property. Visitors entering the park can try and witness firsthand fruits of an innovation, technology and very attractive game with a lot of educational values.

Inspired by the establishment of science and technology fair that has been running in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta, development of other areas follow the model. Yogyakarta with the Taman Pintar, East Java with Jatim Park and hopely other areas will come up with their
own education oriented tourism sites for us.

The building started in May 2006, and one year later on June 9th 2007 it was officially opened by the Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengku Buwono X along with two ministers, Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek), Kusmayanto Kadiman and Minister of National Education (Mendiknas) Bambang Sudibyo.

The park offers education or teaching model that combines the concept of education and games with attractive media to stimulate our curiosity and encourage our creativity toward IT. Taman Pintar as an integrated area of many kinds of learning medium in one location is
privilege. This place is now a favorite tourism site and an icon for edu-tourism in Yogyakarta.

There are six zones inside the park, memorabilia building, second floor box building, second floor oval building, first floor oval building, west and east toddler building and playground area. These zones have their own attractions like playgroud, little explorer, discovery street, environment adventure, bridge of science and more. So, whenever you are visiting Yogyakarta, don’t miss Taman Pintar, ok?


Taman Pintar Yogyakarta Location: No 3. Penembahan Senopati, Yogyakarta.

Access: very accessible because of the strategic location by the main street of Yogyakarta. If we are from the direction of Adi Sucipto Airport, we can take Trans Jogja bus of trayek 3B or 3A, down the Malioboro street. If we are from Tugu Station, take rickshaw or andong.



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