Fight Puffing with Aise Belly Natural

People say, rainy season is sickness season. Various health issues are lurking anywhere. Clogged nose, sneezes, puffed belly, cold, headache, fever, you name it. Since kids’ immunity system is still not perfectly developed, it’s only normal that they are the most vulnerable one.

In this kind of season, Supermom needs to be more careful in looking after the kids. “Puffed can be caused of too much air entering the body. The medical term is aerofagi,” said dr Mira Irmawati SpA(K) in closed discussion about “Wise Dealing with Kids Healthy Issue” at Hotel Bumi Sirabaya on December 9th 2014. This children growth and development consultant from RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya reminded parents not to be careless in dealing with puffing kids. Mira has come across many families that take traditional ways. “From applying balsam and onion leaves, up to patching only-God-knows leaves on the kids’ belly,” Mira recalled.

It’s true many Supermom are very selective in giving medication for kids. Supermom chose more natural ways, like what Mira often see. Even when it must be taken, Supermom will try the best to avoid chemical and prefer herbal. “The truth is, both herbal and chemical have side effect we must consider,” Dr Arijanto Jonosewojo SpPD FINASIM reminded. He was the head of Community of Natural Medicine Ingredients Researcher (Perhibpa) Surabaya, who was also the head of Policlinic of Complemenatry-Alternative Medication RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya.

Herbal for kids is still very rare. It’s the result of the strict regulation research of medicine for pregnant woman and kids. Herbal must pass both pre clinic test and clinic test, referring to standard set by WHO (World Health Organization) and BPOM (Committee of Supervisor of Drug and Food). ”Not only the safety, efficacy and quality for the patient are also closely monitored,” Arijanto explained.

According to Arijanto’s research, some plants are proven to work well against cold and puffing. For example Chamomile Roma (Anthemis nobilis) and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis). For Supermom who is very selective about kids’ medicine, Aise Belly Natural can be a choice for dealing with puffed kids. This Pure product is safe to drink because it has been processed from five natural extracts, including two mentioned by Arijanto.

“Puffing actually occurred in the digestion line inside the tummy, not the skin. Rubbing oil onto the kids’ belly is not the best solution. Purekids Aise Belly works directly to the source of the problem. The herbal ingredient will help the kids to wipe out gas by burp and fart,” Hendrawan Ali Murtono, Brand Manager Pure Indonesia, exlpained.

For cold and flue, Pure has Purekids Inhalant with six essential oils. It’s not for drink, let alone dipped or applied to nose. The vapor is inhaled by dipping it to aromateraphy hearth, or handkerchief and tissue.

Even if they don’t pose serious health problem, puffing and flue can make kids very uncomfortable. The result are kids become fussy, hard to sleep and eat. If this stays, the quality of Superkids’ growth and development will be compromised. It is surely not something to take lightly with some random medication.

So, Supermom, let’s be wise to deal with this healthy problem with minimum risk medication.




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