Shaping the Platinum Generation in Pekanbaru


Relying on genetic potential is not enough. Children’s attitude must be shape as earlier as possible. Dr Rose Mini MPsi (Bunda Romi) reminded 650 Supermom in the seminar of “Shaping the Little Ones’ Intelligence from the Start” in Grand Ballroom The Premiere Hotel, Pekanbaru, Saturday 28 of September, 2013. Bunda Romi urged the audience that dominant parenting at home has great deal with the kids’ attitude in the future.


For example, some parents out there never lack in preparing breakfast for the kids. The thing is they don’t care if the kids finish the breakfast or on the contrary, don’t touch it at all. Bunda Romi called this as Uninvolved parenting. The connection with the kids is loose, indicating low level control to the behavior. Some parents only prepare what the kid like, because they won’t eat them otherwise. This one is known as Indulgent (permissive)


“Now some parents can’t care less if the kids like the meal or not. They must finish it. This is Authoritarian,” said Bunda Romi. The description was not enough for the audience, resulting in rain of question during the next session. Various question were asked related to parenting such as the dilemma of having only one kid because of the tendency to be selfish. According to Bunda Romi, spoiling Indulgent pattern over-protective Authoritarian is neither a good choice. “Authoritative will be more suitable because parents set up the rule, firm but flexible in the same time, supporting and encouraging the kids to look after their self,” said Bunda Romi.


Platinum Generation is children who are ready for the future with intellectual intelligence, emotion and spiritual. They are multitalented, strong physically, high self esteem, never back down to a challenge, imaginative, capable to socialize and have a good relationship with family. “The only way to get there is by applying the proper parenting,” Bunda Romi closing her speech.





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