Merry Day with Kids Creative Weekend

The show started at 12.00. It’s mean to take advantage of family time for fun show aimed for the entire family member. The show opened y Ms. Yevith as the MC. After Ms. Yevith greeted the Superkids and Superparents, the show was on with performance of students of KBL Intercon. The students sang very beautifully, especially with the fact that most of them have just been practicing vocal for one year. It matches the KBL InterconTagline: “Everyone Can Sing”.


After the KBL Intercon, the show continued with a game called “Eating Banana Competition with Sunpride”. Every Superkids was very excited to take part in this competition, but Ms. Yevith could only choose 5 of them. The five contestants looked like they really enjoy the Sunpride banana. Yes, it’s because the banana tasted very delicious, sweet and nutritious.  This Indonesia original product of banana that came from a plantation in Lampung, is equal with a portion of rice. And each participants deserved a goody bag  from Sunpride, while the winner got a box with 20 Sunpride in it. Wow, cool!


The next level competition was “Eating Guava Competition with Sunpride”. This time the show aimed for slightly bigger contestant. There were five Superkids competed in eating Sunpride Guava that hardly come with any seed in, and the winner also won a special gift from Sunpride. Next one was Sunpride pineapple eating competition, aimed for Supermoms.  It seemed clearly that Supermom didn’t want to fall behind and joined the fray. Aside of the reward, their intentions appeared to be more of giving models for Superkids to be confident and bold.


The show went on with introducing Ms. Indri, Managing Editor Portal Superkids Indonesia. Ms.Indri explained that after two years around, Superkids Indonesia , the portal want to stay exist as a media for 6-12 years old kids in providing information about education, games and activities in unique and interesting packages.


After that, mini talkshow with Ms Dhiesta dari Londo Crafter and Ms Ocha, Founder Superkids Indonesia as the speakers. Ms Ocha said “Superkids Indonesia want to combine the magic of crafting online, added with regular events that proposed the same theme, so that Superfamily can create special moments with beloved family member while conducting productive and positive activites.” Ms. Dhiesta also added, “This kind of crafting activities can be an alternative to get the family close together. In addition of sharpening kids creativity and focus.”


After the mini show, Kids Creative Weekend Competition was on. During the 60 minutes time, Superkids do the cutting, working with glue, folding, sticking starter kit shaping houses and gift box that had been prepared earlier. The judging was based on the speed, neat and creativity of superkids in creating the paper craft. The winners were Kiki, Felice and Rachel. All three winners got special prizes from the sponsor, Sunpride, Champs, Simba, Inaco, Es teller 77, Vitamin Water, Healthy Bites, Delphine & Co, Yuk Travel and Panda Media.


The show ended with Psychic experimental by Panda Media and everyone came home with goodybag on their hand and smile on their face. Congrats for you all, Superkids. See you next event.




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