Meet the 2014 Health Agent Award Winner


Health Agent Award (HAA), the event that challenged the participants to really spread the lifestyle into the society, is back for the fourth time. This year, 10 teams from many colleges are in the race carrying out inspiring projects in 10 elementary school in Jakarta; Tanjung Priok 02 Elementary School, 01 Semper Timur Elementary School, Utan Kayu Utara 07 Pagi Elementary School, Rawabadak 19 Elementary School, Karet Tengsin 01 Pagi Elementary School, SDN Cipinang 03 Pagi Elementary School, Tugu Utara 07 Elementary School, Ciputat V Elementary School, Ciputat VI Elementary School and Palmerah 07 Pagi Elementary School.


Last Tuesday, February 4th 2014, Nutrifood as the organizer of HAA announced the most inspiring team with the innovative project, deserved to be the Health Agent of the Year. The project with theme “Trip to the Healthy Land” carried out by Prasetiya Mulya Health Agent’s team, turned out to attract most of jury’s attention. The team consisted of Wandi Pang Jovianus, Billy Chandra dan Cynthia Indayani Limin from Jakarta Prasetiya Mulya  Business School.


In conducting the health project, they involved more than second grade of Ciputat VI Elementary School, but also the teachers and parents. The team socialized the importance of healthy life style by making a Pledge Tree called Nutri Tree, deliberately put on display at the school gate. “We invited students to write their pledge about health on a piece of paper which will then hung on the tree. The objective is, everytime they pass through the gate, it should remind them to their own promise. Teachers and parents alike who read would also tickled about the importance of health life style,” said Wandi, after the winner announcement in Penang Bitro Restaurant, Menteng, Central Jakarta, explained.


The pledge didn’t have to be something big, Superkids. Students write down simple promises they can keep. Take these for examples, “I will buy only healthy snack” and “I will brush teeth everyday.” By the end of the program, students wrote down a short letter for their parents. The content was also simple, yet aiming to tickle their awareness to support their health life style. For example, “Mom, Dad, i want to live health. Make me soup for everyday breakfast, please.”


Prasetiya Mulya Health Agent team really didn’t see that they would win and get the prize of IDR 15 million. Public Relations Associate Manager Nutrifood, Arninta Puspitasari, leaked out that the total prize for the winner was actually IDR 30 million. But they must share the money with the school, who funded the health facilities such as UKS, cafeteria and hand wash spots. “We believe that the agents will be agents of change for healthier Indonesia. This event is expected to be a wakeup call for the community, that developing healthy life style at school can be done is easy and simple ways,” Arnita wished.





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