Summer Holiday Course


Nicole Ayleen was very careful when cutting a piece of bright red flannel. There are patterns of slippers at the size of her feet on it. When it’s done, she used the flannel to cover the upper side of the slippers. Nicole attached the flannel tightly onto the slippers with spray glue.


At the next desk, her sister Samantha Olivia Grace was trying to neatly stitch something using portable waving machine. There two students of Singapore National Academy, Waru were taking a creative holiday program on the second floor of Lenmarc Mall, Surabaya. The program was brought by Pison Art n Fashion Foundation for nearly a full month, June 16th to July 13th 2014.


There are three main choices to take: Creative Craft Class (7-14 years old), Fashion Design (8-14 years old), or Fashion Foundation (9-14 years old). “At Fashion Design, kids learned drawing, coloring, exploring ideas and designing. At Fashion Foundation, they learned basic technique of fashion drawing, making basic pattern, sewing and assembling. There are more activities in Creative Craft Class,” said designer Afen Elizabeth Njo May Fen, the Head of Pison.


Now, it turned out the two sisters Nicole and Samantha were in Creative Craft Class. “I choose to decorate cute sandal because it seems to be the easiest,” Nicole, who was still in the elementary school second grade, argued. Five instructors were ready to escort Superkids in the program. They would guide the step by step of finishing the selected creation. Hair pick, bandana, ribbon, Teddy Bear’s shirt and cute sandal are among the most favorite ones.


Interested too, Superkids? this program is free for public. Just show a shopping ticket worth IRD 300 K at Lenmarc, you get to join creative learning with Nicole and Samantha.





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