Nestle Share National Breakfast Week (Pesan) 2015

National Breakfast Week that is celebrated on February 14 to 20 urges Indonesian people to live healthy with a nutritious breakfast.

In association to National Breakfast Week (Pesan), Nestle has been participating since 2013. Last week (13/2), through “Berbagi Pesan (Pekan Sarapan Nasional) 2015″ in Carefour Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Nestle has donated 10.000 servings of health breakfast during a week to Yayasan Bacaan Pelangi (Rainbow Reading Foundation) in Eastern Indonesia and others 48 partner schools in 13 cities in Indonesia. This foundation has a main activity of developing libraries for children in remote areas, where people nutritional status is still poor based on Riskesdas 2013.

“We hope that with the National Breakfast Week many people become aware that a nutritious breakfast helps create an intelligent and healthy generation. We also expect to provide knowledge to mothers about healthy life,” said Patrick Stillhart, Business Manager Nestle of Cereals Breakfast, National Breakfast Week campaign organizers.

After the 2014 Pesan, Nestle has launched healthy breakfast education comic. “This year we would like to invite people of Indonesia to contribute in a healthy breakfast campaign by launching a microsite ‘Berbagi Pesan’,” Patrick Stillhart added on.

According to Patrick this momentum is exactly needed to provide knowledge of the importance of proper food and drink in the morning to support daily activities. Chairman of the Association of Experts Nutrition and Food (Pergizi) Indonesia Hardinsyah also welcomed the convening of this Pesan.

“Because a healthy breakfast ideally accounted for 25 percent of daily intake of nutritional needs. Therefore, a healthy breakfast greatly affects the activity and achievement of children and adults,” said Hardinsyah.

Public can participate in this campaign by writing a message to support Indonesian children to have healthy breakfast in starting February 1st to March 15th. For each message that is delivered, Nestle will donate a healthy breakfast package for 7 days contains Nestle Koko Krunch containing, Dancow Fortigro and Milo.

“We hope that by participating in this campaign, the public becomes aware of the importance of eating a healthy breakfast for children in Indonesia in order to achieve the improved quality of the healthier, smarter and more capable next generation,” said Patrick.

Let’s contribute to help our friends in the ‘Berbagi Pesan’ shall we Superkids? 



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