Free Dental Check Up at BKGN


In welcoming the National Teeth Health Month (BKGN) 2013, Pepsodent invites families in Indonesia to understand the necessity of kids’ dental health. Indonesian Dental Association  (PDGI) and Association of Indonesia Dental Faculty (AFDOKGI) are prepared for free dental check, consult and minor treatment for dental problem. With the theme of “Give your Child a Healthy Smile, to Succeed in Life”, this event will be held in 13 cities starting September 12 to November 20, 2013.


During yesterday’s (2/9) discussion in Gran Mahakam Hotel, Jakarta, it’s revealed that many parents take the primary teeth care lightly. Don’t take it wrong, Superparents. These teeth are very important because they provide spaces for the upcoming permanent ones to be healthy and strong. If these primary teeth are bad, most likely the permanent ones that will take their places will have problems too. You don’t want this to happen to the kids, do you, Superparents?


According to the chairman of AFDOKGI, Prof Dr H Eky S Soeria Soemantri, drg Sp Ort(K), anatomically speaking, primary teeth is more vulnerable and easier to have holes. Let it be and will cause pain, damages and the tooth fairy will visit sooner. “Primary teeth problems also responsible for chewing function and give kids hard time in spelling and even speaking,” Eky went on.


It goes even further, Superparents. With bad primary teeth, a kid is likely to suffer from low self esteem for bad display on their face. Even worse, it may eventually stand in the way between the kids and what they dream of becoming.  Pilot, model, soldier, astronaut, flight attendant, entertainer, news anchor are some of profession that require good dental beautiful smile. CEO of PDGI, Drg Zaura Rini Anggraini MDS, also reminds that prolonged toothache can cost kids to miss some lesson, because they can’t focus in the class. Surely it’s a big no! Don’t let this happen to the kids, will ya?


Dental check up for free is open in 17 dental faculties in 13 cities of Indonesia. Among them are Gadjah Mada University of Yogyakarta (September 19-21), Indonesia University, Jakarta (October 7-9) Padjajaran University, Bandung (October 21-23) and Airlangga University, Surabaya (October 23-25). Come, join the BKGN and keep the grin on the kids’ faces to make sure their path to a bright future is open. Give your Superkids bright future with a healthy smile!





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