Gamers and Commic Fan Party


Excitement of ‘The Jakarta 9th Toys & Commic Fair 2012’ for two days from march 9-10 in Kartini Expo, Kartini Hall, Jakarta. Most of the attendants are collector of either commic or toy. This event was continuance of the very same event last year.


“Judging from emergence of variety of commic comunities in big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Semarang, one can tell that there’s big enthusiasm to commic and toy,” said Riza Satyagraha, the chief of committee.


Each community has its own peculiarities. There is a community action figure collector, comics, lego, toy soldier, statue, 12inch, die-cast, robot, model kits, model cars, trading cards, board games, warhammer, radio control, tin toys, vintage toys, hi-tech toys , Vinly and designer toys, and that started the trend now is costum toys. Many of them are present exhibiting a collection, as well as socialize community. “Many community members increased after attending this event,” said Riza.


The event become more special since Alodia Almira from Philipines also performs. She was Animax VJ world’s iconic cosplay aka costume play. Other events that take place throughout the event include Lego build-a-brick competition, starwars Lego building demonstrations, cosplay showdown 2013, Sonic Sega games competition, and gundam competition. “Hopefully the spirit of these activities can trigger local creators to continue to build a toy and comic industry that is not inferior to foreign creators,” please Riza.





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