Spirit for Kids with Cancer

Everyone knows that cancer can be very painful, sometimes even kills. It’s a disease that attacks body cells, the tiniest unit of body that allows everyone alive, including human. There are billions of them in human body. Normal cells constantly grow and split up until their time to die normally. Cancer is when the abnormal cells grow and expand in high rate. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells keep growing and split up uncontrolled, and don’t die when their time is up.


Cancer cells kill normal cells in the area and damage healthy tissue. This causes people to get sick. Sometimes, the cells spread into other body part which has to be prevented. The sooner someone is discovered to have cancer, the sooner treatment can start and the better chance patient has to live.


Not many kids are diagnosed to have cancer, and researchers are still trying to find out the exact cause. One thing they know, cancer doesn’t contagious. So we can talk, play and even hug our friends who have cancer.


Treatment for cancer is usually done with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, depending on the stadium and type of the cancer. They are not easy. Kids with cancer must maintain strong and happy attitude to take the treatment so their immunity can rise up to fight the invading cells and reside that might comes up from the treatment.


In Indonesia, we have YKAKAI or Care for Indonesian Kids with Cancer Foundation. The foundation focuses on helping kids with cancers, by providing rest house for kids with cancer all over Indonesia who are under medication. The house is normally called Rumah Kita, located on Percetakan Negara Street, Central Jakarta. “Here, kids and the family can stay during the medication. We also provide school facilities, transportation for kids which usually doing the medication in RSCM and medicine when the required ones are empty or unavailable,” said Pak Nugroho Saleh, an official of YKAKAI. “Normally kids are required to stay for minimum 6 months for medication and maximum a few years,” he went on.


Rumah Kita can have 28 kids or more at one time. They come from many areas in Indoesia. Kids are always cheered because the attendance and friends are there to keep them lively. The house also has room for playing and kitchen with dining room for kids to gather.


Based on the concern for kids with cancer in Indonesia, PT ICI Paints Indonesia (AkzoNobel Decorative Paints) takes initiative to repaint Rumah Kita with bright colors. The CEO AkzoNobel, Jun De Dios, says, bright color can make kids happy. “It’s our social responsibility program (CSR). By painting house with bright colors, we expect to help kids stay lively during medication, “he says again.


Of course this can come in handy to raise the spirit for kids with cancer during their medication.




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