Let’s Play Twister at Grand City!


Beatrice and Bertrand eagerly coming to Twister Playground on the Ground floor, Grand City Surabaya. These siblings who only one year apart were attractied to the round big vehicles, other visitors were riding on. “Up for it?” daddy asked. Both nodded in firm, then stood waiting for their turn to try the game.


For one session of 2.5 minutes game, player must pay a ticket of Rp 30.000. The price is always the same, either for weekdays, weekend or break day. There are five Twisters on the arena and one biggest vehicle is used by the keeper to go around the mall, introducing Twister Playground.


“We specifically present this game to provide entertain for visitors who might not have time to enjoy holiday out town. To keep people happy, it’s fine to go to mall for year-end vacation, so long they have the new Twister game to try,” Jessica Juwono, Senior Marketing Manager Grand City Surabaya explains.


Although it’s originally designed for kids, many grownups are attracted too. The arena is not too spacey. It was by designed so the vehicles would bump each other more often. “That’s where the fun is. It’s like Bom Bom Car, but with cooler car,” said Janetta, an English teacher who tried the game out with her friends.


Twister is open since December 2014 until January 2015. Only one floor above, another arena is open for Laser Maze for both kids and adults. Here, players are entering dark area and collecting point by avoiding lasers. Their friends outside can watch them act. “We prepare attractive vouchers for the reward,” Jessica promised.





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