Let’s Have Breakfast Every Day

Breakfast with enough nutrient every morning can make Superkids grow and achieve more.

14-20 February were acknowledged as Pekan Sarapan Nasional (Pesan). And have you have breakfast every day, Superkids? Breakfast is proven to improve focus in studying and stamina for school kids. A research found that 4.6 % out of 35.000 children of primary school age gain nutrient intake below 15% of their need, which should be 15-30%. Another research also shows that over 50% kids in cities do not have breakfast.

Hardinsyah, Professor of Nutrition IPB and Chairman Pergizi Pangan Indonesia, as the initiator of Pesan reveals, “Pesan is expected to be a regular heads up to remind the public of the importance of breakfast with enough nutrition to achieve balanced nutrition. The breakfast itself is defined as the activity of eating and drinking before nine in the morning to meet the daily nutritional needs of the majority (15-30% nutritional needs), as one of the pillars of balanced nutrition in order to achieve healthy, active and intelligent life.”

Until today there are still many Indonesian who is not accustomed to breakfast. “Many who are not familiar with breakfast and do not understand what is a nutritious breakfast,” said Hardinsyah in Pesan 2015 campaign in Jakarta, a while ago.

According to research four out of 10 Indonesian children do not have nutritious breakfast. Hardinsyah also cites an institute data research on 50 thousand children ranging from five to 12 years old in Indonesia.

The best breakfast is before 09.00 in the morning or before doing activities that worth 300-400 kilo calorie. Or 25 percent of daily calorie intake of 1.400-1.500 kilo calorie.

“A healthy breakfast ideally contributes to 25 percents of daily nutrient intake. Therefore healthy breakfast affects activities and achievement of Superkids and adults alike,” he said.

And to install the habit of breakfast at Superkids is not easy. Some of the things that make it difficult to inculcate the habit of breakfast before school on Superkids in Indonesia include: there’s no food to eat, food is not attractive, the of food is monotone (boring), and not enough time because of early leaving.

This is the important role of Supermom in providing, attractive, quick with nutrition proper breakfat for Superkids. Come Supermom make the Superkids getting use to breakfast since early!





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