Overweight Kids, What to Do with Them?


Muhammad Fadli was born with weight above average, 4 kilograms. Ever since a baby, he already looks chubbier than other kids. Now that he’s 12, Fadli becomes adorable for hundreds of people and a few dozen friends called him ‘fatty’. Fadli’s appetite is always huge, quite the opposite of his low self confident.


Overweight kids like him face some health issues, Supermom. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are being of them (yes, even kids can have it). Not only that, these kids are also more vulnerable to asthma, liver damage and insomnia. So, what should we do if our dearest little one has more weight than he should? The first step is to talk heart to heart over this issue. The thing is, what way is the best to talk and makes him want to make a chance?


Before we start, pay attention to these Dos and Don’ts in discussing the weight issues.


Do …

Bring this health habit into daily talk, much

Explain that healthy food choice will make us stronger and smarter

Make the healthy habit part of the whole family’s life instead of his own

Consult the doctor about the potential risks of overweight

Focus on what’s inside your child, not outside


Don’t …

Talk about “weight”

Put bad tag to certain meal (better focus on the quantity)

Establish a health rule for one kid only – have everyone involved

Reward every lost weight (sincere compliment and support will do better)

Use food as reward


Not every kid is open to talk about ‘weight’. Superparents are advised to change the theme into ‘healthy eating and exercise habits’. Ermm…sure this not for one or two occasions. It’s nonstop to diner time, monthly shopping, at the restaurant, after exercise and more. Kids may care less about their overweight pose some healthy issue. It’s our duty to keep remind them.


Sarah Krieger, spokesperson of American Dietetic Association, stresses that this is more than just reducing weight. It’s applying healthy lifestyle. In fact, if someday the kids come to us about their friends mocking his weight, we shouldn’t care too much about making the kids slimmer. Just focus on making them as healthy as possible.


It’s good to remember that sometimes overweight kids don’t need to lose some weight. They just need to grow according to their ‘portion’. It’s advised ask for the kids’ recommendation, what they want to do to be healthier. Let them choose the fruit and vegetables at the market and help planning their lunchbox. Also, let the kids decide what kind of sport they want to do. Telling them what to do and order them around will make the kids do things on order, instead of their own free will.






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