Hello, Banjarmasin!


Shefanny Angelica Suhardi immediately separated herself from her mother. Together with her sister Vanesha Natalia Suhardi, Wei Wei—Shefanny’s nickname—walked to the kids’ corner of SuKi in Banjarmasin International Hotel, Banjarmasin, on Sunday,6th of June 2013. Wei Wei unabashedly said hi to the SuKi team and asked whether or not she can play there. “Go ahead,” welcomed Sesylia Rayi Pertiwi (Activation and Community Development) who came with Yaniar Resti Pratami (Account Executive) and Hafida Indrawati (Senior Editor).


On the first session at 08.00-12.00 in the afternoon, Superteam invited the kids to colour and learn the arts through origami lessons. Origamis in the form of frogs, birds, ladybugs, and others were glued to a piece of paper that is to be brought home. One of the very excited participants was Ahmad Nisfy, a third grader from SDN Melayu 2 Banjarmasin. He tried to create 10 different origamis and brought home pieces of paper with his artworks. “I promise I won’t throw them out. I will definitely stick them to my wall!” he proclaimed.


Riska Merina, a second grader from SDN Kuin Cerucuk, Banjarmasin Barat, Banjarmasinadmitted that the easiest origami to be made was the cat one. On the contrary, Muh Zahawan, who is still in Kindy-B in the Kindergarten school Miftahul Jannah, Banjarmasin had difficulties in folding his paper to create a cat.


On the next session at 12.00-14.00, Superkids Indonesia arranged a face painting program specially held for Superkids members. The participants weren’t fewer than the ones who did origami foldings. “This won’t cause any allergies, right?” asked Dini Silvianti before she registered her son Daffa Al Ayubi for the face painting session. Using skin-friendly kit for the paintings, Superteam successfully painted the faces of many Superkids with different pictures, like butterflies, Batman, hearts, even paw prints!


Before the show ended, there was a door prize lottery with a grand prize of SuKi’s exclusive T-shirt, water bottles, and Polliwalks sandals. The lucky winner who took home the cute sandals was AM Mirza Rahman. When he arrived to the Superkids Indonesia booth to get his prizes, he also asked the team to redraw his blue Angry Bird tattoo that was accidentally erased.


“The crowd’s response in Banjarmasin for this event was extremely positive and excited; it exceeded our expectation! Our next destination is Samarinda. Hopefully it will be as great as we had in Banjarmasin, even greater!”wishes Sesylia.





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