Creative Ways to Display Kid’s Artwork


Putting the little ones’ masterpiece on display is important for their creativity. The thing is when there’s not enough space available. Here are some creative ways to do that.


Fridge Wall

It’s a common practice to use fridge as the wall to put important notes. Perhaps it’s because fridge is a spot in the room where every family member goes most often. You can find agenda, daily schedule, restaurant number and delivery and others there. If there’s space, why don’t put little ones’ work there too? Aside being pleasant decoration because it makes you happy every time you see them, it gives you topics when anyone sees them, also making the artist proud. Use light frame, attach magnet on each sides and put them on display on the fridge.


Cello tape with pattern

Known as washi taped on market, it is very easy and perfect to hang little ones’ art work. Just leave out space in the room, paint it with plain and eye catching color. Turn the wall into their exhibition room. Just provide various color washi taped and let them put their artwork.


Mini Studio

Pick one corner in the living room or in the little ones’ bedroom for their own personal mini studio. Set desk and chair for them to work and express them-selves. Hang some wasted kitchen or bathroom rack near the desk, and some wasted jars to put their pencils, markers and crayons, with some paper holder. Use the wall around the corner for the exhibition corner. Give their artwork some frame, use washi taped to help displaying them. Not forget to hang some lamp to add the gallery mood.



Kids love to scratch the wall. The trick to get a way around is by providing a whiteboard in the room. If necessary, cover one wall all over with blackboard. Let little Picasso work there with colorful limes there. On top of the board, hang your handmade decoration like paper flower of many colors, they will bright up the room.


Drawing pictures on the wall

Wall is a very inspiring space for kids to express and create. The thing is, the whole room will look ugly and cost some considerable money to fix. The alternative is, attaching colorful cardboards, covering one side of the wall. Better yet, get some shaped cardboard from the store, rounds, triangles and such in various size. You are patient enough, have your own handmade boards. Set up as if they are part of the wall and set the kids free to be creative there.




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