Is Gadget as Kid’s B’day Present Too Much?


Superparent, your kid’s birthday is this month. For birthday present, your kid wants the newest and greatest electronic gadget. There are so many choice; new video game, greatest iPod or iPad, cell phone with more features, computer. Is it wise?


Well, we live in the digital age and kids are born to gadgets. Kids are exposed to all types of gadgets from the time they were babies. Some kids start to hold a computer mouse at a younger and younger age. So, it is reasonable to choose gadget as birthday present.


Then, what kind of gadget and how old the kid? It all depends on the kid’s maturity. Most young kids do not need access to technology until they’re at two or three years old. So, it is not wise to present gadget as toddler’s birthday. For preschoolers, it is okay to present simple hand-held video games and iPads. However, most games require a kid to have reading skills.


For  5-10 years old kid, we may introduce simple gadget. Most kids like computer games, hand-held video games, and games on game consoles (such as the Wii, PlayStation, and Xbox).  It is wiser to buy innovative gadget such as docking station accessories for iPod touch or e-book reader with free 3G+Wifi along with a 6 inch LCD display.


Then, the next issue is the cost of the gift. How much is too much? Well, the price of the gadget depends on our budget. For some parents, iPod Nano is not a cheap ‘toy’. For other, it is unreachable. So, you know more about how to spend money wisely.


Gadgets are the best result of innovative technology. Modern life is driven by the electronic gadgets that influence all kinds of kids. So, it is okay to present gadget for our kid’s birthday. However, we must be wise.





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