Mom, Don’t Say These in Anger


In an argument with kids, do you find yourself saying things without even thinking about it? Well, you’re not alone. When kid is saying rude thing, or doing something that we don’t like, it’s almost impossible for us to be detached or objective. It’s too easy to respond with hurtful words. Our feelings take over, our emotions jump up, and our bad words comes out.


Supermom, unfortunately what comes out of our mouth can’t be taken back. After some minutes, we wish the words could take back. But, they couldn’t. So, it’s best not to say anything and take some time to cool off first. However, we may not be sorry for if we avoid some harsh words below;


Never say, “You never do anything right!” or “You’re a loser!” or the kinds. Why? Being called a screw-up is demeaning. These words make our kids feel shame, hurt or feel they’re real loser. These words make kids to withdraw from learning new skills. In the long run, the feeling will make them less capable of making the right decisions.


Avoid to say, “You’re just like your father!” or “Why can’t you be more like your brother?” or the kinds. Why? Yes, the words sound fairly no harm. Almost everybody do not like to be compared. When we compare our daughters, the words will pit our kids against each other. Remember, they are unique and each has good qualities.


Words to avoid in anger are in accordance with culture and situation. Some words are hurtful for some kids but okay for other kids. We should be wise in using words even when we’re in anger with kids.





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