Pouring Rain? Let’s Play Outside


Typical in December, pouring rain starts to hit Indonesia. Normal kids will be so tempted to the sensation of playing under the rain. The thing is, we parents usually worried too much that they will get sick. The no playing outside during the rain is then become a regulation. In fact, Supermom, rain shower is not a cause of sickness. “Playing under the rain doesn’t make kids sick if they are in healthy condition,” Dr Mira Irmawati SpA(K), the consultantof kids’ growth and development of RSUD Dr Soetomo, Surabaya, confirmed.

Mira suggested, during the rain shower it’s better if the kids wear boots and raincoat with hood. After playing with the rain, kids need to wash up with clean water and soap. “It’s drinking the water that makes them sick. Rain is raw water, there’s no telling what it has,” Mira explained.

If the above explanation is not enough to revoke the no rain shower rule, check out some of the benefit Superkids may have from it.

1. Learning Science. The more they know the surrounding, the more curious kids will be about what is going on around them. So, be prepared for their bursting questions about how the rain happens, the rainbow, flood and even thunder. This is a great opportunity for Supermom to teach Superkids about weather and the threat of natural disaster.

2. Practice Gross Motor. Playing with the rain is no fun only with slow walking under the pouring water. Kids will run, jumping around and other activity thatstrengthening their rough motorist muscle and muscle. This is more like exercise that help them healthy and strong.

3. Socialize. Normally, kids will be playing under the rain in group. This way, Superkids will be hanging out, playing together, coordinate, compromise and adapt with friends.

4. Stress Removal. Playing makes Superkids happy thus relaxing their mind. Set aside school assignment for now, they can wait.

Yet Supermom, we still need to keep checking what they do under the rain. Don’t let the kids play in the street, or when the rain comes with hard wind and lightning. As the Superkids are having great time playing, we should have some hot water and a bowl of warm soup for their empty tummy.




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