Eid ul Fitr, Learn to Forgive

From the linguistic aspect, Eid ul

Fitr means back to fitr (pureness).
The essence of the victory is when we forgive each others. Have
Supermom or Superdad taught Superkids about forgiving?

Lebaran is way more than just about new dresses, the very core of the
process is about forgives and silaturrahim to friends and relatives.
Just like a song, once sang by Dea Ananda in the 90s, Supermom and
Superdad can tell Superkids to carry on the deed and not stuck on
shopping spree, purchasing new dresses for Eid ul Fitr.

Learning forgiveness is our main point in celebrating Eid ul Fitr. In
casual custom within our society, it’s often left out to teach
Superkids to ask and give forgiveness, be it to friends, family,
neighbor or relatives.

Actually the act of forgiveness is not specific for the month of
Syawal. It’s in every less pleasant event, forgiveness and visiting
each others are positive things.

Tips for Superkids Celebrating Eid ul Fitr:

Maintain Good Relationship
In both friendship and family, the key is the good relationship with
them. Thereby said we need to teach Superkids to have positive
relationship with their friends.

To keep in touch is very easy these days, it’s the willing to do so.
If we can’t personally meet with family or close friends to share
forgiveness we can teach Superkids to communicate through time and

Teaching how to speak with proper words to friends or assumed older
people when on silaturrahim.

Tolerance or showing respect, it’s a value we need to put inside
Superkids. Eid ul Fitr is all about forgiveness. We shall show and
give forgiveness to anything our close people may have done.

Pray for Others
In celebrating the Eid ul Fitr which is full with glory, Supermom and
Superdad can teach Superkids to pronounce “Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin‘’
which translated to May the God Restore us back to pure beings. This
wishing attitude will eventually developed into critical point for







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