Taking Kids Out without Whining


“It’s not fair. I want chocolate, not vanilla. I can’t, i can’t! Why can’t i ever get what i want?” said Lana with tantrum in a supermarket. Her mommy got annoyed for could not control Lana’s behavior in public.


Supermom, sure we will be annoyed too if our kid whines all the time we’re in supermarket, restaurant or other public place. So, here are some tips to control their behavior.


  1. Make sure, kid is not whining due to pain. If they are too young to speak clearly, check her face, body, or temperature. Sometime kid whines when they are feeling unwell.
  2. Don’t wait until our kid is in distress. As soon as possible, respond her first bid for attention. If we are busy doing something else, make sign to our kid, so she knows we’ll be with her.
  3. Give reward, not bribe. A reward is, “If you’re good while we’re in the store, you can pick out some chocolate.”  A bribe is, “If you stop whining, i will get you some chocolate.”
  4. Don’t let ourself to be pulled into her whining. If we get pulled into arguing, reminding, reprimanding, correcting or lecturing, we are engaging the behavior we want to reduce. This approach can’t work.
  5. Impose appropriate consequences for bad behaviors. Some kids will react to the lack of effectiveness in whining by doing other negative behaviors. Impose appropriate consequences for those behaviors without giving in to them.
  6. Be consistent. Every time our kid whines, react by stating that we cannot tolerate. If we stay consistent, kid will learn that whining accomplishes nothing and will stop whining.





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