Mudik Prepping with Superkids (1)


You can imagine Superkids, mudik with family will double or even triple your luggage. Some go by cars, airplane, train or even ship. Here are some of what Supermom need to prepare for mudik:


If Go By Car


1. For sure, everyone must see eye to eye on the exact date, day and time. it’s to prepare Superkids that on that day, they will spend the day mobile/ they will spend the day in the car.

2. Don’t forget to involve Superkids to decide what they want to carry along. For example the snack or clothes to wear.

3. Superkids’ clothing goes to a separate backpack, so it becomes their responsibility.

4. Take some of Superkids’ favorite toys. It will help with the boredom especially if there is a traffic jam.          

5. Two sets of Superkids’ clothes and one pair of Supermom’s and Superdad’s should be set ready within the reach. The number of these spare clothes depends on the distance of the trip. Just in case the worn ones get dirty or someone gets sick on the way.

6. Don’t forget to carry along enough water. Bottled drink with straw is better than that with box package. You can close the lid to prevent the drink from get spilled.


If Go By Airplane


1. Most Superkids always go to toilet. Since most toilets at the airport or along the way are not very hygienic, Supermom needs to prepare wet tissue, dry tissue and toilet cover in a handbag.

2. Don’t forget spare clothing for Superkids, in case those they wear get dirty.

3. Superkids can have their own luggage, filled with snack, drink and milk, book and crayon to be creative on the way, little pillow and dolls to tuck them in if necessary.

4. Superkids can carry along infinity scarf from cotton ink in a handbag. In addition to be use as cardigan, Superkids can use it as blanket too. 

5. Last one, have a fully charged iPod, so in case the plane gets delayed, Superkids will have something to keep them busy. (To be continued).




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