After Party; Time to Clean Up the Mess


Kid’s birthday party at home is going well; extraordinary actually. Table and chairs are scattering here and there. Food and drinks are spilled over on the floor. Litter’s everywhere. So, Supermom, what is the strategy to clean up the mess?


We don;t have to clean the house alone. Get help. Find a cleanup crew and deploy them for specific tasks. One for collecting garbage, other for tidying up room, other for washing dishes. With good coordination, the job will be done at a moment.


Carry a large garbage bag to collect all the non-recyclable trash. Use other bag to collect all recyclable trash like cans, glass bottles and plastic containers. And, bring all glassware, flatware and leftover food to the kitchen.


Spills and stains on the carpet, table linens and sensitive furniture, must be addressed as soon as possible. The sooner they are attended to, the easier they are to get rid of. At the same time, tidy up the furniture.


In the kitchen, use the dishwasher. Load the heavy and oversized serving platters so we won’t have to hand-wash them. Soak the remaining soiled dishes in the sink for the next washing. Soaking will keep them from crusting up or developing unpleasant odors.


We may think the messy party is okay. However, we should also think the next birthday party will be tidier due to our kids will be older. So, teach kids about cleaning up after themselves. Even in their party, remind them to properly dispose of their used paper cups, napkins or plates.






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