Tips From Expert Become Professional in Performing Arts

Have you ever hear Broadway Musicals event lately, or Superkids is falling love with performing arts, in theatre, musicals  or want to be professional talent or Superkids just one of who is very enthusiast or interested in performing arts?

Lets Check Superkids Live  Interview with  Amy Weinstein as CEO/Artistic Director/Founder, StudentsLive, and how she talks about opportunity for Superkids to be an professional talents, listen her messages for Superkids , and her interesting sharing about performing arts in the future!

Let’s hear the interview session with Amy.

What Is exactly  StudentsLive Concern?

For the past 18 years, StudentsLive have attracted over 400,000 participants from the widest range of cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. StudentsLive concern and focus to support alternative learning, cross cultural and interdisciplinary opportunities for a wide range of new audiences and creating, developing, managing and implementing National Standards theater curriculum and interactive Broadway Educational Workshops and Materials for support in classrooms worldwide by training, hiring, and organizing teams of Broadway Artists and Professionals to serve each organization’s needs. By doing so, these programs enable a new generation of students/artists to make the arts a permanent part of their lives in ways in which they can deeply explore its value, not just as an extra-curricular activity or to fill a seat at a Broadway show.

Students/Artists of all liberal arts interests have the opportunity to experience first-hand, the best live, interactive theater education programs, taught by some of the best, highly trained specialists, our country has to offer allowing new audiences/artists to experience the rich and complex themes and issues in each show they attend, the intensive training of a successful and highly disciplined actor, the career responsibilities and talents of Broadway professionals behind the scenes, and the myriad skills required in collaboration, interrelationships, communications and human exploration.

How Superkids can Join the programme?

StudentsLive are honoured to be able to work with organizations such as Foundation, school and institution to provide better understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and societies across the globe through the universal disciplines of outstanding Theater Studies.

Or You can directly checked their website for more info : and

So, if Superkids is interested in performing arts, theater, the window is wide open now, there is an opportunity to learn directly to the experts, and in fact not as complex as you might think before. Go… Catch your dream!


RTW/ Superkids Indonesia

Video by Superkids Indonesia

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